Importance Of Motivation for a soccer players by Coach

Playing soccer is a fun and nice activity, many people enjoy it and afterwards decide to go professional. Whether you are a professional player or a beginner, you will find some insights in this article, as we are going to discuss the motivation for soccer players by Coach.

After reading this article you will have a clear understanding how motivation is being shaped and what are the most essential components of it.

The Role of Motivation In Soccer ?

You might wonder why motivation matters in soccer right ? If you want, then you want, what’s the matter ?

Players need to have high drive performance and be motivated to do their best and enjoy what they do. It works both for the beginners and for professional players.

Motivation keeps the player on a track and helps to feel his or her own value and in this coaches have a strong role. As they help players to feel more valued and understand their role in soccer. This is one of the most important key points of the big game.

There is a proof that motivated employees work harder, that is why for soccer players motivation is one of the key measurement tools of success.

Who is the coach? A coach serves as a mentor, guide, and motivator, helping you navigate challenges and unlock your full potential.

Psychological Impact of Motivation

Motivation has a strong psychological impact and coaches know that clearly. That is why each coach strives to improve their motivation level. It has a direct link to the player’s performance, as if they feel more powerful and enthusiastic about their work.

Here are the common factors that can negatively affect soccer players’ motivation:

  • Unclear Goals: Lack of clear objectives can lead to confusion and reduced motivation.
  • Poor Communication: Miscommunication from the coach can create demotivation.
  • Unnecessary Criticism: Unconstructive criticism can lower players’ self-esteem and motivation.
  • Favoritism: Unequal treatment within the team can cause demotivation.
  • Lack of Challenges: Absence of growth opportunities can kill the drive.
  • Toxic Team: Conflicts and unnecessary drama are causing issues.
  • Injuries and Setbacks: Frequent injuries can be discouraging.
  • Pressure: Overwhelming performance pressure leads to anxiety.
  • External Distractions: Personal issues can affect motivation.Such as break ups or other family connected issues.
  • Micromanagement: Lack of independence reduces motivation.
  • Burnout: Mental exhaustion and continuous stress.
  • Lack of Recognition: Absence of acknowledgment of their wins and hard work can reduce players’ motivation.

One co-worker birthday gift can change the scene and raise the motivation. Therefore coaches strive to create a friendly atmosphere, where each member of the group feels appreciated and unique.

Setting Clear Goals With The Help of the Coach

Coaches play a huge role in motivation management of soccer players. As they are the people who support the team and know the ups and downs of the team.

Coach has a clear role for setting clear goals within the team. And here are the types of goals the coach can settle for soccer players. These examples are not very specific and you can modify them for your own experience and your own teams.

  • Settle exact dates for meet ups within the team
  • Develop team spirit with the new members
  • Settle training dates for the upcoming months
  • Make a concrete map for new records

It is proof that leaders can motivate employees and help them to become better at their work. Empowering others is hard work and needs to be highlighted. If you are in a big team, you should take the responsibility to evaluate and value the work of your coach.

Balancing Motivational Scale; The Hard Work of Coach

It is hard to define the level of motivation as there are many factors that there is a need to take into account. For the motivational scale there are internal and external factors. There is a need to develop a strong work ethic to manage the team and help them to enjoy the overall process.


Now let’s focus on both sides and understand how to utilize those internal and external factors.

Internal Factors

  • Passion for the Gam

Enjoying soccer for the love of the game.

  • Personal Improvement

The wish to get better and learn new skills.

  • Going for the Challenge

Thriving on competition and the desire to win.

  • Self-Set Goals

Striving to achieve individual objectives.

External Factors

  • Supportive Coaches

Encouraging guidance from coaches.

  • Team Players

Motivation from teammates and a sense of belonging.

  • Recognition

Getting acknowledged by others for good performances.

  • Rewards and Prizes

Receiving rewards for achievements.

In order to develop motivation both with external and internal sources, coaches need to work both online and offline. Nowadays all people are online 24/7 and they prefer some kind of presence on online platforms as well. Building a website for your soccer team will be the best solution. Here you can combine all the achievements, data, and essential information. In this way, they will feel more motivated to stay connected with the team members.

Building a website will allow you to have a well-known soccer team and have better value as a team. You will feel the magic,as soon as you start building your soccer team’s website and motivate them to be active on this platform.

Keeping Up the Connection With Your Team

Keeping connection with the team is an essential part for raising motivation and team spirit. Wishup innovative platform is perfect for off-hours communication, allowing teams to stay connected, collaborate, and track their off-time communication.

If you do not have enough connection with your peers, then you should revitalize off-work connection and communication. Soccer players need to have updates from each others’ life but do not get bothered with unnecessary notifications. It means that you do not need to send many messages and bother them all day long!!

Communication Techniques From The Coach


Healthy communication is the key for having a motivated and well-developed team spirit. Therefore coaches should do their best to foster strong team communication.

They should make surveys and gather their team’s ideas on communication methods and ways. The most professional solution is to build an employee communication app and take the communication techniques to the next level.

Having your own platform is not only nice, but it creates the spirit of feeling united, strong and different. Not all the soccer teams have these kinds of solutions, but if your team gets one, then that is why you feel close to success. It will foster a motivational boom!!!

Time Management and Motivation with Coach

Time management is the key for improving and keeping up the motivation levels. Coaches should focus on time management of their soccer players. It is essential both for professional gains and also for the development as a soccer team. Coaches should learn why is time management important and teach it to their team members.

Here is the list of important factors for successful time management:

  • Prioritization
  • Clear Goals
  • Planning
  • Task Breakdown
  • Time Blocking
  • Distraction Control
  • Setting Deadlines
  • Regular Reviews with the Coach
  • Time Estimation with the Coach
  • Focus and Concentration
  • Using Online Tools and Apps
  • Healthy Routines both in life and work
  • Learning to Say “Done”
  • Flexibility and work ethics with the Coach
  • Single Task breakdowns with the Coach
  • Mindfulness and improved mental health

These factors contribute to effective time management and improved productivity. And coaches are the main actors of encouraging their players to improve time management. Studies show that well-developed time management helps to improve mental health.

Final Thoughts 

Motivation has a strong importance in team management, and today we discussed it for the soccer players and how coach helps to manage these processes. Coaches are one of the most important and key parts of raising soccer’s motivation level. They need to be friendly but at the same time define clear goals and tasks for the players.

You can always talk with your coach and ask for help. In this article we provided the most common ways that coaches can raise soccer players’ motivation, but of course you can feel free to create your own method and practice.